Don’t forget to register {plus pics from the picnic}

It’s hard to believe another year of Lamplighters has come and gone! Summer is upon us, but before everyone scatters, please don’t forget to register. You can register online for First Love: The Corinthian Letters now.

  • Be sure to fill out all forms with an (*), this includes the friend request field. If you aren’t sure, or do not have a preference for small group placement, just put ‘as the Spirit leads’ in the box. 😉
  • You will receive a confirmation email immediately after submitting the form. You must click on this to finalize registration. Check your spam/junk folder if the email doesn’t show up
  • For questions email:



The huge rains last week didn’t deter our ladies from gathering at the Skaggs ranch for the annual Lamplighters picnic. Laughter, food, and stories (of course) were the highlight of the favorite fellowship.









Seriously? Look at those delicious desserts! Thanks to everyone who braved the weather and made it to the picnic. For those of you who couldn’t make it this year, you were missed.

Now y’all go register for the Corinthians study. And, invite a friend (or two!) to join us in the Fall.


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